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This gets better. Giants of Andes.Maanantai 11.01.2016 16:53

There's so much to find there. I try to find "sure" views. Location:,-70.1103263,6310m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=fi Maybe laying sacks, and not standing ones? Creature's top gets rid, searches a mate, and dies in transforming to sack & to larvas?

I checked the "in stasis in holes" -points. There's nobody. Looks like there were... should check again....
(If those left their roots, literally, they are like those from Iraq/Syria, got to hard white place.)
^ Hiiala-housuja. Stressman-takkeja. Sanokaa että Houdeni. Vaasassa.<--Pori "kartta painaa"
move silently. Batistini-parta. <-- Kuusamo "paina kartta"
Juuri oikeenlaista kolinaa. <-- Sysmä "paina kartta"
Tuntomerkit... Ei oo näkyny - Minä se oon. Haista ite koko *piip* *piip* Törkeetä<-- Kallavesi
Highlanderin ottopoika ... Osumia tulee jos on materiaalia mistä kerätä. Hyviä osumia...

This is from Andies-mountains. There are these packages, but much thicker/plumper, on asteroid Vesta, and there much bigger. It's clear. You recognise the package of its borderline, and see "packing" at the border. Border also has cuts and angles. I tried to find "original individuals" from inside, but ... there isn't, I guess. It's part of bigger... (hardly it packs other species inside. :) I had such idea about Yorgia. Who knows it made that, mixed species even. <-- a good theory, in my eyes. :) 2-3 things support it.)


THIS is a good proof. :) Not all of those mountain-parts were alive in Andes, but there are parts, which were. Location:,-69.7146497,3727m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=fi
This should be very interesting for biologists. (They may roll themselves also for reproduction... it may be the same thing, rolling, dieing and reproduction. We know they were in trouble at that time, because they died.) Bluewhale is not the biggest creature on earth ever. These were 2,5 km long, or maybe longer. Several individuals in a roll-kind of disc? Right? (Nothing new: Yorgia...) If you see two horns side by side in the right upper corner: there are similar in Vesta!

Ufot näyttivät: katsoo karttaa. Eivät turhaan näytelleet. :) Tai no en tiedä näyttivätkö turhaan, mutta tämä kartta ei ole turha.
Olen tehnyt tätä monta päivää putkeen (nukkunut kuitenkin yöt). Siis etsinyt näitä. En koko ajan, mutta melkein.

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