


Maybe it's not too late to learn how to love and forget how to hate.

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~Torstai 25.09.2008 00:28

I won't let you take control.
I turn away and save my soul.
I'm not gonna take this anymore!

I know what you did last summer.Keskiviikko 24.09.2008 23:31

Only you.Tiistai 23.09.2008 23:00

XDLauantai 13.09.2008 21:28

Need some translation? :D

~Lauantai 13.09.2008 03:03

You've got the woman waiting in line?Lauantai 13.09.2008 02:59

Forget Gin Cranberry Longdrink!Maanantai 08.09.2008 20:13

Bin Laden Longdrink™

created by semeku & mitsii ! :>

I'll cheat you once.Maanantai 08.09.2008 01:30

Oh no, i'm gonna cheat you twice.

!Maanantai 08.09.2008 00:48

np: Garbage - Why do you love me <3Sunnuntai 07.09.2008 00:40