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In the presence of HimMaanantai 27.10.2008 09:04

He Whom sits with the allmighty shall remain, now and forever
His angels fight even in the darkest dark
I have my sanctuary in the Lord and I lay my burdains on Him
He will hold me from sickness and agony in all time
He is my my sword and shield in this world of darkness
I will not fear the shaadows or the arrows flying in the night
Thousand can fall beside me,even ten
But whom has faith will stand strong and fight
No pain or sickness will bother u
He will protect you with His mighty feathers
under His light

He will command thousand angels beside you, to lead the way
They will carry you on their wings
So you will conquer all evil and beasts luding in the dark
He calls on me
and I will answer
He who was are and will be, the holyest of the holy
He is my saviour, our God ,in his name I walk
Trough fire and flames, even trough darkest paths
I will walk if is thy will

FatherLauantai 25.10.2008 13:46

My soul opens up for your your glory father
The scars of my sins are healed in your blood, i fall down infront of the cross
I pray fore salvation in this rain of fire, in these days of agony
Guide me trough the valley of death
Let your light show me the way, let me hear your voice
Forgive us for we dont knoe what we have done
Why do we walk with blinded eyes, give us faith

PoisonMaanantai 22.09.2008 21:18

I dont know how much longer I can resist your poison lips,my love
Alltough your a curse with no soul, i fell in love with you
Come to me,let me feel the rush, fill me with your magic and never dissapear
Turn the dark hurricane inside of me to a wind of love
I want you so bad , alltough I know you werent sent from above
I never felt love like yours, cant you stay
I know you cant andthat you will leave me screaming in agony
Still my love......let me feel you one more time

AnybodyLauantai 02.08.2008 11:50

Anybody there to listen,hellou its burnin in my kitchen Somedody,anybody, I need your attention Everything aint allright, wish I coul change it over night with one single fight Get every soul to listen, lead them to the light. Guess things will be the same,cause the shame
We run evereday from ourselfs to hide the pain
Life aint always been easy for me ether but I standed up
Got released from my chains, jumped outta death trap
Candle burnin for all my friends,peace and love
hope you smile to me from above

everday I thank God and pray, that i got to stay
I write poems,tryin to show the way
My pen is like a sword to spred the word
Life goes up and down like an escalador
Atleast i dont have to be hooked on a respirator
Now I have family, friends and God fillin my back
Everybody I owe too much love
So I lay back ,smile, this aint my last track

Sunset in oblivionSunnuntai 13.07.2008 22:57

Im chasing dreams lying on my bathroomfloor
Slowly feeling my past reaching me
Its too late to ignore
Tomorrow ill be chased by my nightmares
Crawling in shame, screaming to Gods
Ive been pushing this agony for to long now
Still hanging on, to afraid to let go
Darling I live in a dreamcastle thats about to crash in crystals
Im always here but I dont know were I belong

Sunset in oblivion and its about to rain
So numb I cant feel the pain
I want the love shine on me for the last time, one last time

Im running across a field, it bursts in to flames
My mind wonders like circles around the evening star
Im in a never ending story
But theres no heroes or white horses nomore
Only illusions and lives built on lies
I look up at the sky of broken hearts, my soul starts to bleed
Wheres my princess, my saviour, my God
Im asking the wrong questions, cause Im too blinded to see
Please unleash these chains or give me more
I think Im ready to loose them, but too afraid to fly

Sunrise in oblivion...

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 12.06.2008 17:59

I had a dream, but it was taken from me
I fought with fire and suddenly it was blown away
I was a child again, untll someone said it wasent real
I fellt feelings, laughter and cry
But now its gone and I just want to die

I tryed so hard to stop rain
I tryed so hard to stop the pain
What choice did I have if I cant turn back the time?

I*m running out of time, is this goodbye
If I cant feal love nomore, then whats the use
Please give me a reason, wings to fly
I`m tyred of running, so show me home
I have all these people around me¨but still I`m so alone.

Almost like an angelKeskiviikko 11.06.2008 19:58

I love the way she looks at me, her eyes are made of stars
She shines like the sun, her light makes me born again
Her dress is made of crystals, they rain on her
She tells me stories of love, they make me fall a sleep in her arms
Our destiny is written in a stone, It flys around in the midvinter storm

I would give my life to be with her forever
Shes name is Juliet¨, God wrote it in the sky
Without her I would just fall a part and die

She talks in a way, that only my soul can understand
The colour of her hair is made of gold, I can tell
She smells like roses from eden,to good to be true
When she talks to me,even angels can hear
Your like a thousand dreams,please dont go away

A ghost in my vainsPerjantai 06.06.2008 22:49

"A ghost in my vains"

She always follows my tracks
She`s both the beaty and the beast
I see her light as she flows over me
Then she leavs me without trace
Shes both the filth and the grace
I crawl on my knees in pain to one more time feal her embrace

She, took my soul
She, made me love her
Everything she says is a lie
but without her i just want to die

Like the sun she makes me smile
Like a course she made me stay
She makes me both laugh and cry
Her abscence made me fall down n pray
In bloodred coulours I`ll fade away

She, digged a grave for me
She. told truths covered with lies
This morning I wrote goobye on the wall
She only came to make me fall

...Torstai 05.06.2008 15:18


I feel this pressure inside me and its pulling me towards into the black.
This craving for somekind of an escape from this world is pumping in my vains.
I fall down on my knees I scream in agony, but no one hears,God?....are you there?
Im crawling in the shadows now, I dont even know if somebody can help me, so I stay hiding.
My past is coming to get me, I can feel it breething on my neck. What the fuck can I do?
All this shame, guilt and all my mistakes are laughing right infront of my face, asking me to give up.
Theres a saying what is dead should stay dead, so why the fuck did wake up from my overdose?
It feels like im here now only so I can feel the pain that i caused others with my actions. I guess thats pretty phere, considering Im just a little mistake to this world, a fuck up. If this is all that it is, why cant I just lay down and never wake up again. But I think thats just to much to ask for a person like me. These forces without names keeping me here for a reason beyond my understanding. I guess I could try to take my life but im to scared to do even that. If im afraid to live and I have no reason to carry on, how can I then be afraid to die? So please give me currage to atleast make my mind, so I can rest in peace or whatever the outcome. It feels that I just dont give a fuck anymore. But thats pretty obvious if you have red the past lines I`ve written.Dont get this wrong who ever you are reading this. I dont feel sorry fore my self, Im not in self petty. I simply just cant understand why Im here, and I`ve been trying real hard to get it for many years. Now I just dont have the strength to carry on fighting and seeking after answers that I dont even now if Im going to get answers to. I admit that Im a looser and a coward to. But Im just really really scared and tired and want to close my eyes and let my soul go. But I`ll pray one more time, Dear God father of light why wont you take me home?, why cant you turn all this around and give me answers?, please God let me see the things that I`m now blinded from, give me the keyes to survival in this world, a glimse of light for a one more fight, if not for me so for my loved ones that may need me. Otherwise take me home, You are the judge, give me the wordict, so this suffering could end. Amen..

Into Oblivion and beyondTorstai 05.06.2008 15:15

Im not sure if Im gonna take this ride and loose my pride
All I gane is a place to hide
It feels like crystals in my soul,altough im circulating in a bowl
An hour or two of the love that I know, flows in my vains
For a moment i dont care if it rains
I chase the dream from day to day, round n round
You know I cant stay
So slowly and gentle she whispers, make a choice or fade away
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