
5:13Perjantai 01.11.2013 07:13

Sytytit minut siniseen liekkiin
ja tartuit murhaajan leikkiin

Bensalla valelit ja vierestä katselit
mihin mielesi pystyy
käsiesi jäätyessä pystyyn

Varoitin, mutta sinä aloitit
enkä tule vaikenemaan
pääsi sisällä
enää milloinkaan

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 29.10.2013 20:57

Food once a day could be a good idea. Or is it just mindless...self...indulgence...?

Nah. Noodles and If. Let's dance~

Gazing beyondMaanantai 28.10.2013 09:16

On ehkä tullut aika jättää tietyt asiat omaan arvoonsa
ja jatkaa eteenpäin.

Se ei tarkoita että jättäisin mitään taakseni, vaan että olisin valmis
kun löytäisin sen jälleen edestäni.

Nyt ei ole sen aika, vaan nyt pitää uusiutua ja etsiä uusia väyliä
ja rakentaa niiden päälle.

SpellboundSunnuntai 27.10.2013 07:29

The most haunting melody ever played
created by the orchestra Diaboli
in the dusky streets of Paris

Absinthe never stops the craving for red wine
the moon passes by, leaving its gleam behind
while the city breathes

The elegance of sound haunts me, calls me
I wanna forget everything
and be the color of the sound

Undying. Timeless. Divine.

01100110Perjantai 25.10.2013 08:14

The ink is running out
while I write down these words

The chance flew to me
when we rose to the heights

You gazed out to the horizon
And I squeezed the ring in my pocket
with sweaty hand

and inside my head
only one sentence had meaning

"Two in harmony surpasses one in perfection."

Spiral of ravenMaanantai 21.10.2013 20:21

Same girl
Same doors

Only the key differs
with each floor

no escape - no way out
no key to a safe hideout

"Will this ever end", you wonder
as you continue your way

to the next apartment

ArousalSunnuntai 20.10.2013 05:23

Mere plain Maddison
and the taste of cum
sums up the events

Just high heels and painted eyelids
agitating the sin for flesh and white acid

endorphine - dopamine - will you be my heroine?

The scenes are flashing with low frame rate
I gag while you ejaculate

The night of 'S'.
People go, people die
but we're here, still breathing
and alive

Demoa pukkaa.Keskiviikko 28.08.2013 01:18

August 14thTorstai 15.08.2013 01:41

The rain irrigates us blue

I'm soaking, are you?

The rain irrigates us blue
and we drown
as the city's sounds whisper our names

I can't sing anymore, can you?

The rain irrigates us blue
and we shout
our despair to the abandoned stray cats

I don't exist, do you?