• Kuvassa:
  • Oot rakass<3
    Sofia Sinkki Sorsa Sintti Stalin x)♥

  • You are as beautiful and special than the one snowflake<3
    Because they have never been two identical.
    I love you always and I will never give up on you(:
    Even after my death♥

  • Verä

    VeräI can't tell you just one good thing, because
    you have too many of them... I love you just as
    you are♥ You have to stay like that, forever 8) I'll never let you go(:

  • _mattzzuh_


  • Sulle ^^

  • Ei paljoo ees puhuta mut tärkee oot :)♥

  • Oli ja meni, oon siit pahoillani :)♥

Dreams do not always come true..